Upcoming US Squash Hardball Doubles Tournaments

US Century Doubles – February 19-21, New York

The tenth anniversary U.S. Century Doubles Championships, February 19-21, is projected to be the largest yet. The tournament includes Men’s, Women’s, and Mixed Opens, as well as Men’s A, Legends (60+), Masters (70+), and a Grand Champions Division (80+). All draws require the combined age of each team to be 100 years or greater.  Sign up here.


US National Doubles – March 3-6, Buffalo

The 81st annual U.S. Squash Doubles Championships, which runs from March 3-6, will be hosted by four Buffalo-area clubs. The tournament includes Men’s and Women’s Opens, and age groups ranging from 40+ to 80+ for men and 40+ to 50+ for women. Sign up here.


Both of these tournaments offer partner matching. If you would like to play but do not have a partner, sign up as a single entry, and US Squash will do its best to match you up appropriately.

If you have any questions regarding either of these tournament, send an email to doubles@ussquash.com.