Maine Squash Open – November 7-9

By October 16, 2014 News, Tournament News, Uncategorized

The Del Fuller Maine Squash Open will take place November 7-9, 2014 at Bowdoin College’s Lubin Squash Center.

The tournament will include the following draws: men’s 6.0, 5.5, 5.0, 4.5, 4.0, 3.5, 3.0, 2.5, 55+, and 65+; women’s 5.5, 4.5, and 3.5; and hardball. Divisions may be limited to 8 or 16 or combined when necessary; entrants may participate in only one draw.

Play will start on Friday after 5:00pm. Players from out of town with scheduling needs should indicate them on the registration form. Players are guaranteed at least two matches. Starting times will be emailed to players on Wednesday, November 5. Entries close on Friday, October 31.

T-shirts, Saturday lunch, Saturday and Sunday breakfast, and beverages throughout the weekend are included in the entry fee of $60 ($30 for college players, $75 for non-US Squash members).

Follow this link for the entry form. Please contact Tomas Fortson ( with any questions or for more information.