Kidsquash clinics offer beginners and intermediate juniors a chance to play squash at Harvard University and learn the fundamentals of the game in a fun and engaging way.
This season, Kidsquash will hold a total of 12 clinics. Harvard assistant Hameed Ahmed will be the lead coach at all clinics, along with volunteers from our local community who have generously offered their help during the season. Please feel free to spread the word about Kidsquash at your schools and clubs. The hope is to get more and more kids involved with the organization.
The 2015-2016 schedule is now online at
Please register online at Once you’ve registered, you will receive more information about logistics.
Suggested donations to help cover program costs are $149/session (or $249 for both sessions). Session 1 runs October-December 2015; Session 2 runs January-March 2016. Players are encouraged to sign up for both sessions.
Please contact Hameed with any questions at